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What is the Best Type of Oven Range for My Business?

Cater-Kwik are here to help you pick the right commercial oven range for your kitchen

Oven Ranges – Which type of Commercial Oven Range is best for my kitchen?


The commercial kitchen is an ever-evolving space, and oven ranges are perhaps the most widely used piece of cooking equipment in any establishment. Commercial oven ranges come in a variety of types including gas, electric, dual fuel and induction. Each type has its own pros and cons in terms of performance, cost and convenience. This article will explore the main features associated with each of these commercial oven ranges. This will help you make a more informed decision when it comes to selecting the right one for your business.


Different types of Commercial Oven Ranges

Gas Ovens

A gas oven range provides a versatile cooking experience, with both the oven or hob. The hob can be used for boiling, frying and sautéing. They often offer fast response times and precise temperature control. The flame from the gas hob can be quickly adjusted. This makes it easier to react to changes in food texture or colour during food preparation. Gas ovens also provide rapid heating-up times, meaning that you can get on with your work more quickly and without delay.

Gas ranges are incredibly durable too. With good maintenance and cleaning they often last for years even with heavy use in commercial kitchens.


Our Pick – Falcon Dominator Plus G3101 6 Burner Oven Legs Natural – Actual Best Seller



Electric Ovens

Electric ovens provide the convenience of a smooth electric cooktop. They are easy to clean and efficient oven ranges that produce an even and consistent heat. This makes it one of the safest cooking appliances in any commercial kitchen. They also offer precise temperature control giving chefs greater flexibility when cooking with delicate ingredients or creating dishes with complex textures. The smooth ceramic surface is easy to keep clean, requiring only occasional wiping with a damp cloth or sponge.

Its sophisticated design and efficient heating technology will help you create delicious meals quickly while maintaining consistent results every time.


Our Pick – Parry Electric Oven With 4 Hob & 2 Hob Top


Dual Fuel Ovens

Commercial dual fuel oven ranges are the perfect choice for professional chefs who like the dry heat from an electric oven but the versatility of a gas hob. These ovens offer improved heat distribution, fast pre-heating, and controlled heat source that make cooking faster and easier.

The gas hob on these commercial dual fuel ranges is especially convenient as it allows you to control the heat of each burner more precisely than standard electric hobs. This means you can quickly adjust the temperature for different dishes, giving you greater flexibility when preparing meals. Additionally, some models come with fast-cooling burners so you don’t have to wait around for them to cool down before removing pots or pans from the stovetop.

Finally, a commercial dual fuel range is more cost-effective than buying two separate units.

Our Pick – Blue Seal GE506D 6 Burner Dual Fuel Static Oven

Induction Ovens

When it comes to commercial kitchens, induction oven ranges are becoming increasingly popular. This is due to their efficiency and safety. An induction oven range is still powered by electricity but works very differently to electric oven ranges. An induction range operates by using magnetic coils that heat up the cookware rather than the surface of the hob. Because of this, you can enjoy faster cooking times and easy clean-up.

Unlike traditional gas or electric ranges, induction ovens feature a smooth toughened glass hob. It prevents spills from getting stuck in those hard-to-reach places. This also makes them safer as there is no open flame or exposed element. Additionally, these ovens are extremely energy efficient since only the cookware being used gets heated up. This allows you to save electricity costs while still making tasty meals quickly and easily.

Our Picks – Falcon E163i Six Zone Induction Top Oven Range or Lincat Phoenix PHER01 6 Zone Induction Oven Range

Considerations Before Purchasing Your Commercial Oven Range

Types of Commercial Oven Ranges

Oven ranges come in a variety of types, free-standing, slide-in or built-in, with each having its own unique features and benefits.

Free standing ovens are often the most affordable option and are an excellent choice for those who need to move their oven in and out for cleaning purposes.

Easily movable slide-in ovens provide a built-in look without needing to be permanently installed in a kitchen cabinet or countertop. These units can be pulled out and moved around as needed.

For a fully custom and unique look, many people opt for built-in ranges that fit into custom cabinets. These models have all the same features as other types of range but offer more flexibility when it comes to design options and space utilization.

Size & Capacity

Selecting the correct size of commercial oven range can be a daunting task, especially for new business owners. Fortunately, there are some common sizes to choose from that will help you find the best fit for your kitchen needs.

The two most common sizes for commercial oven ranges are 900mm and 1200mm wide. A 900mm oven range is suitable for low-volume restaurants or small-scale catering operations. It has enough power and space to handle most tasks. On the other hand, a 1200mm oven range is perfect for high-volume restaurants and larger catering businesses since it provides more space and greater power than its smaller counterpart. It really does depend on the space available and expected capacity of cooking needs for your customers and seating area.

Ovens come in a variety of capacity and styles, so it’s important to determine what size oven is best for your kitchen. If you are considering a single oven, the average range will be about 24-30 inches wide and offer up to 5 cubic feet of interior space. This size is ideal for most commercial kitchens and can easily fit one or two large baking sheets. Double oven ranges are larger than the average range and typically measure between 36-60 inches. These ovens can not only accommodate larger dishes but also allow for multiple racks which makes them great for entertaining or commercial use.

If you need more flexibility, then double oven ranges are a great option. They usually have two separate compartments that can be used individually or simultaneously. This allows you to roast two different foods at different temperatures at the same time.

Features & Accessories that are available with commercial oven ranges

With a variety of features to choose from, it can be difficult to determine which one is best. Ovens that come with oval burners are great for large pans or griddles and help make cooking easier. Hot surface warning lights are also beneficial. They alert chefs when the oven is still hot after use, preventing potential scalding accidents. In addition, convection ovens provide superior air circulation throughout the oven cavity. It makes food cook more evenly and faster than regular models.

For those who want to get creative in the kitchen, broil settings allow chefs to prepare dishes like steak or seafood with ease. A delayed start feature allows users to program the oven ahead of time using a digital timer so foods are ready at the right time. A quick boil option enables fast boiling times by automatically adjusting temperature and pressure settings while preserving flavour and texture. A self-clean mode eliminates odours from previous cooking sessions quickly with just one push of a button.

Safety Standards when it comes to commercial oven ranges

If you are looking for additional safety features from your oven then most come with them. Commercial oven ranges often feature advanced safety mechanisms such as gas shut-off devices, flame failure systems and temperature limiters. Furthermore, they come with additional protective features like thermal insulation sleeves, anti-burn liners and fire suppression systems for added protection against fires or malfunctions.


In conclusion, gas oven ranges are ideal for those who prefer traditional cooking methods and like the direct, precise heat control. Electric oven ranges provide excellent heating elements and a reliable temperature distribution system. Dual fuel oven ranges offer the best of both worlds with a gas cooktop and an electric oven. Induction oven ranges are perfect for those who want a fast cooking experience without compromising on safety or energy efficiency.


Take a look at our full range of oven ranges here.

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