BRAND: Electrolux
MPN: 725539
The Electrolux 725539 Skyline blast chiller / freezer has a capacity of 30Kg 6 x 1/1GN or 600mm x 400mm trays with a high-resolution touch screen.
The 725539 Electrolux blast chiller can take food from +90°C to +3°C in less than 90 minutes or to -18°C in less than 4 hours and even prove bread products, making this blast chiller the ultimate tool for any kitchen, with various modes with 10 food families plus over 100+ different pre-installed variants with the ability to save up to 70 varieties per family.
Features:• High resolution touch display with over 30 languages plus it's colourblind friendly.
• Blast chilling capable of getting 30 Kg of food from +90°C to +3°C in less than 90 minutes or to -18°C in less than 4 hours.
• X-Freeze cycle which allows +10°C food to get to -41°C.
• Automatic mode includes 10 food families such as meat and poultry, plus has over 100 different pre-installed variants and you can personalise up to 70 different varieties per family.
• Lite-Hot cycle is ideal for soft heating preparations.
• Programs mode, meaning you can take your menu anywhere; save and share up to 1000 personal recipes via OnE connected or USB.
• Turbo cooling allows for continuous chilling in the busiest of kitchens with a set temperature, fan speed and automatic defrosting.
• MyPlanner function helps you plan your day and receive personalised alerts
• Cycles+ cruise cycle automatically sets the parameters for the quickest and best chilling method, with other specific functions such as:
Retarded proving.
Fast thaw.
Sushi & Sashimi (Anisakis-free food).
Chill Sous-vide.
Ice Cream.
• Skyduo - Both the Skyline combi oven and blast chillers share the same DNA communicating seamlessly with a simple and intuitive mind set, with instant communication between the two units.

• More than just a blast chiller, the 725539 can reach temperatures of +30℃, with special cycles allowing to use your blast chiller as a controlled prover, chocolate melter and fast thawing as well, ensuring full compliance with HACCP standards
• Part of the Electolux OnE connected platform, ensuring your Skyline blast chiller and Skyline Combi oven are perfectly synchronized with full communication between the units, so both units are ready when required, saving you money and time.
• SkyHub lets you set your favourite functions straight on the home screen for immediate access.
• MyPlanner works out your agenda for the day, planning your daily work and receive alerts for each task.
• Multi-timer to help manage up to 20 different chilling cycles with the capacity to save up to 200 multi-timer programs.
• Automatic and manual defrosting and drying programs.
• Multi-purpose interior suitable for 6 x 1/1GN pans, 600 x 400mm trays or 9 x ice-cream basins.
• Optiflow air distribution achieves maximum performance from 7 speed fan settings and a specially designed chamber.
• Capable of performing in ambient temperatures of up to +43°C.
Specifications:• Right hand hinge.
• R290A Refrigerant.
5 year parts and labour warranty. (2 year standard, additional 3 years available when registered with Electrolux on receipt of the unit.)
*Time saving calculation based on a 10-hour working day with SkyLine ChillS 50/50 kg.