Hygiene is of paramount importance in the care sector, and laundry appliances need to be both fitted with a WRAS approved sluice/gravity drain to prevent contamination of the water supply and capable of thermal disinfection to prevent the spread of viruses and infection. Here at Cater-Kwik we are able to offer a wide range of laundry equipment suitable for use in care and residential homes including commercial washing machines, tumble dryers, heavy duty ironers and more.
You can view a selection of our laundry products below, or call our team on 01229 480001 for friendly, impartial advice on all the options available.
We will be embarking on a 12-month fundraising mission with a deadline of the 13th of September 2024. Please follow our JustGiving page to keep up to date with our activities.
Donate withCaterkwik, The Lakeland Catering Centre, Newland, Ulverston, Cumbria, LA12 7QQ Tel: 01229 480001 | Company Reg No. 4432906 | VAT Registered: 621 3333 84